LDS Beliefs

Bethan Beaver Bethan Beaver

LDS FAQ’s answered honestly

A list of FAQ’s found on the LDS website. The answers they give leave a lot to be desired in terms of honesty and what they really believe. I have decided to give an honest accounting of these questions and I will keep this updated as they update their site.

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Bethan Beaver Bethan Beaver

Restoration of the Gospel: The first vision

The validity of the LDS Church and their story of the restoration of the gospel rests with the claims made by Joseph Smith, and just in this story we can already see multiple contradictions and potential coverups by the Church in an attempt to make it seem like the claims are true.

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Changes, updates and other LDS Teachings

Alterations, Censorship, and Suppression

Other Teachings

  • Joseph Smith taught that the moon was inhabited.

    There is evidence to suggest that as well as making several other extraordinary claims about golden plates, Joseph Smith taught that there was life on the moon.

    One witness named Oliver B. Huntington recorded in his journal (February 1881) that Joseph Smith could use the seer stone to “See whatever he asked the Father in the name of Jesus to see” and that Joseph had stated the moon was inhabited by people who were 6ft tall and dressed “very much like the Quaker style”. These people were said to have a lifespan of hundreds of years.

    (Journal of Oliver B. Huntington, book 14, original at Huntington Library, San Marino, Calif.; also vol. 3, p. 166 of typed copy at Utah State Historical Society).

    After Joseph Smith died Brigham Young became the next Prophet of the Church. In July of 1870 he was quoted saying “Who can tell us of the inhabitants of this little planet that shines of an evening, called the moon?... when you inquire about the inhabitants of that sphere you find that the most learned are as ignorant in regard to them as the ignorant of their fellows. So it is in regard to the inhabitants of the sun. Do you think it is inhabited? I rather think it is. Do you think there is any life there? No question of it; it was not made in vain".

    (Journal of Discourses, vol. 13, p. 271).

  • The Garden of Eden is in Missouri.

    In 1838 Joseph Smith came upon some rocks in a place called Spring Hill. He claims that he then received a revelation from God that this was the remains of an alter built by Adam himself.

    He advised that this land was to be known as Adam-ondi-Ahman (D&C 116), the name meaning “Valley of God, where Adam dwelt” in “the original language spoken by Adam”. (Journal of Discourses, 18:343).

    The Church teaches that this location will be an important site in the future as Adam will one day return to this spot to hold a council with all the prophets who have held the keys of the Priesthood upon the Earth. This will be the time of the Second Coming of Christ.

    Once Adam has heard the Prophets speak on the works they have completed then Christ will return to earth to begin the Millennium, the thousand years when Christ will live on and reign over the earth.